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Dengyuan Zhang stated how the hold out not just reality to which the Wangfujing Street, Beijing is acknowledged like a hard-working, tough, optimistic symbolic representation from the spiritual content. The hold out time span from 1910 to 2010 a hundred many years of history, sub-put on best and bottom. Staged the original half with this twelve weeks will most probably be the upper cut-off time period earlier to liberation in 1948. within play, NFL Adjustable Hats shops, "Luding hung," the joys and sorrows, turbulent alter since the principal collection from the play, reflecting the bitterness from the previous and Beijing Wangfujing's changing.

In purchase to show a powerful Beijing Accent, the Grand Theatre, the specialists invited to go to the Beijing People's proficiency "sits" "Wangfujing." Screenplay writer over the Beijing People's proficiency drama, featuring actor Zheng Tianwei, she experienced produced in Beijing People's Art, "antique" and Jingwei drama. Wong could possibly be the director of any specialized households Beijing village Opera, he stated yesterday, in spite of the simple fact that that is reflected within tenth revolutionary drama of lifestyle in Beijing, however baseball hats way in which the director will not repeat the past. By then, the hold out will most probably be considered a mixture of realistic impressionistic approach, a semi-divine over the "plaque Lord" to bear witness to every and every organization within "ups and downs."

Actor, the youthful actor who art, Beijing within earthquake, the hero will most probably be done by "top-Hung Lu," dispensers. Yi Wang Changli human being getting acting school, Chen Lisha and so will become a member of the play. Zheng Tianwei stated that since the whole hold out is about a century of history, so every age assortment are brilliant actors, such as in baseball cap from 18 to 98 many years of age play.
Par newerahatscwj le vendredi 15 juillet 2011


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