Please pay attention to Red Bull Hats

People do not choose a short neck multi-colored New York Yankees Hats .

Eyebrows and eye balls clear, tall slim people can choose the coloring or romantic compared to brilliant coloring belonging in the direction of hat.
Flat facial qualities of people, placing on red-colored Bull Hats mushroom-type artists, do not positioned every one of the curly hair is incorporated to the cap, founded apart some bangs, you could make find appear smaller.

Generally speaking, merely a tiny DC Hats on best of your eyebrows could possibly be really attractive, but who discover a short, placing on a hat could possibly be merely a tiny backward; and round face, or find an enormous friend, hats could possibly be put on in the direction of element belonging in the direction of ramp, there is on the way to be the result of minimizing face.
Hat and color
Ruddy complexion belonging in the direction of people, choose the coloring belonging in the direction of hat a broader scope to purpose using an awesome offer of coloring coordination.
Pale complexion color, appropriate for considerable purity intermediate color, bright jade, malachite green, brightness blue, brown, lavender wait, do not choose the gorgeous color.
White skinned people, new era hats are an awesome offer more for the color, but gentle bright complexion is fast to provide a perception of, so choose a hat, need to stay obvious of determining over a bright or almost bright color.
Dark complexion people inside the choice of vibrant colours once the hat, attire to spend recognition in the direction of all round effect.
People need to not positioned on yellow complexion yellow, eco-friendly hat, but once the dim brown, Zilian, blue crab, rice until the coloring gray hat and clothes appropriate together, can acquire much better results.
Par newerahatscwj le jeudi 14 juillet 2011


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